The scenario planning process focuses on the external environment, which is complex, uncertain and difficult to grasp. Like turning water into ice, scenario planning structures uncertainty so that an organization can grasp it and make sense of it.
Scenario planning does not initially focus on the organization, its structure or its internal processes. The process is focused on a key issue, question, or a decision at hand and a relevant timeframe. In a workshop setting, participants discuss past and future changes, identify important driving forces and critical uncertainties and typically develop four distinct, plausible scenarios.
![Planning Process](/assets/process.gif)
In a second workshop, participants identify important implications of the scenarios. The scenarios provide a shared context for evaluating the risks associated with a wide range of strategic choices. Strategic issues and hidden assumptions surface, and participants develop more robust strategies. Ultimately, value is delivered when better and more-well-supported strategic decisions are implemented - decisions that result in stronger organizational alignment, commitment & performance.
To learn more, click on the “Scenario Planning” brochure, the “Scenario Planning - A Tool for Navigating Strategic Risk” article, the “Introduction to Scenarios and Scenario Planning” article, or the 10-minute voice-over PowerPoint “Introduction to S2S and Scenario Planning” presentation.
With a modest investment in scenario integration work, your organization can derive significant value from the scenarios developed for years to come. Click on the “Scenario Integration” brochure to learn more.
For more information, please contact us.